Many businesses need help at some stage.

And whilst advice from an outsider looks helpful, only an insider can truly get hands-on with the issues at the heart of your business.

Living and breathing those issues with you, making the critical, thorough changes you want, from the inside - not just at the edges.

This is exactly what Compass has been delivering since 2001.

Money can look like the cause, but is often merely a symptom. 

Here are a few of the challenges Compass has faced and turned around:

  • Busy - but not making money!
  • Strong sales but low on cash
  • Growing quickly, but at the cost of customer satisfaction
  • Rising overdraft; overheads and costs spiralling
  • Post-acquisition / merger: projected benefits not being achieved
  • ‘Meetings culture’ – with no productive output

Whatever’s blocking your business, Compass has seen it, got inside it, and resolved it for another business somewhere else – and so can do the same for you.



It’s easy to lecture businesses on what they could do to improve their performance.

But it’s another proposition entirely to identify forensically, what they must do – and not only ensure it gets done, but where necessary, do it for them.

This is the proven Compass principle:  Find.... Flag.... Fix....   No exceptions.

Find the problem, not the symptom

By working inside core teams, experiencing the reality of day-to-day operations (and often the night shift too!), Compass relentlessly identifies and gets to the bottom of the underlying business problems that are often disguised by surface symptoms.

Take action

Then, Compass secures the backing of the stakeholders (leadership team, management, staff / operators, investors) and takes action to remove the real business blockers, making an immediate and measurable difference to the organisation’s results.

Solve issues business-wide

Whether the issues identified are process-based, logistical, supply chain-focused, caused by inefficiencies and wastage of resources, financial, or anything else, Compass sees it, Compass calls it out, Compass turns it around.

Flexible, agile, cost-effective

And all this is based around a simple charging model with no ongoing commitment, enabling you to switch Compass’s services on and off and scale them up or down to suit the real challenges identified, for both planned and reactive responses.